My name is Heidi Ziebarth, and I am a 12 year old going to Lakeview Middle School in Warsaw, Indiana. My mom and I have initiated a recycling project called Africrans by Amerikids. Last year we made new crayons out of old crayons that we collected from the 7 elementary schools in the Warsaw area. (With the added crayons from 2 schools sent to us by the KC Recycling Center). This year we have gotten an amazing 942 pounds from 11 schools, the Peel on Wheels event in Winchester, Red Lobster, and everyone else who gave seperately.
The Africrans project collects old crayons, sort them, peel them, melt them, package them, and finally sell the new crayons, we have called Africrans. We give half of the profits to the Village of Hope orphanage in Ghana, West Africa, where a total of 68 children have been rescued from the present-day slave trade at Lake Volta. The kids only have their basic needs met, and there is little room for the art supplies and the little things we in America take for granted. After we raise more money for the orphanage in Ghana, we will start giving to a new orphanage that specializes in the children rescued from Lake Volta. They need new bunk beds, and some of the older kids want to go to college. They have sponsors that pay the young adults fee to go to college, but some have no money left over to pay for food. So while they have a education, they are starving. That's where Africrans comes in. To do what we can to help the less fortunate.
If you would like to donate, buy crayons, or simply help out, please contact Heidi Ziebarth at
Heidi Ziebarth